

19:30~20:00 Ladies Rumba ¥1500
20:00~21:00 Casino ¥2500

I often get asked if I teach Cuban Rumba but I don't. After class the other day I was showing some girls the Rumba basic and it was a lot of fun so I thought maybe I should actually do a class. On Tuesdays before the 20:00 salsa class I'm thinking to start a 30 min Rumba class just for the ladies so I spoke to the owner of Relaciones (where the class is on Tuesdays) and he was up for it.
It will be starting from the beginning of next year.
19:30~20:00 Ladies Rumba ¥1500
20:00~21:00 Casino ¥2500
(¥2500 for both lessons)
Rumba is the root of Salsa an is all about movement which will make your salsa moves more elegant and accurate. I recommend this class if you've hit a wall or you just want to look better dancing salsa. It's also a really fun dance to do, improves your posture and is a great lower body workout.
Rumba isn't a pair dance so I think it's best if guys learned from a guy (if I taught you, you'd probably look gay) so this class will be just for the ladies but guys, please come and join us from 20:00.
One last note, if you're a guy and want to learn Rumba, I recommend Orlando or Euripides.


Me and Penny McGee


I recently bought and fell in love with a little skateboard called Penny. I named her Penny McGee. I take it apart and maintain the bearings and everything. I ride it to work, when I go shopping, or just sometimes around the block.
But last week a student told me something shocking. She said there's a new trend where girls walk around with a penny board even though they can't ride one! Just as a fashion statement! I've never heard of anything so silly! Does it not get in the way? Since then, every time I get on the train with my Penny McGee, I worry that people look at me and think "ah, she's another one of them girls that can't ride a skateboard but carries one around because she thinks its fashionable." Nooo! I'm not following a craze, I just want to ride my Penny McGee.


Loco Loco Loco Loco Loca

昨日は Cuatro Locos とまたライブでした。あのおじさま達の有り余るパワーはどこから来るの?楽しくて、可笑しくて、ノリやすくて最高なライブでした!
次回のライブは12月7日、町田の Mi Salsa です。盛り上がりますよー!皆さん来てね!
Last night I had another show with Cuatro Locos. Where do these old fogies get their energy? It was such a fun, funny, funky show.
The next one is on December 7th in Machida, Mi Salsa. It's gonna be another mad night! I hope to see you all there!



明日は南林間のHIDEAWAYってところでいつも盛り上がる最高に楽しいおじさま達とライブです! Cuatro Locos と演奏します!




It's been a while since my last entry. Sorry.
A little while ago my dance team performed for Halloween. It looked great! We all dressed up as zombie brides and grooms.
We only had 3 practices but because of everyone's hard work, it looked good and I think everyone had a good time both performing it and watching.
I'm thinking of what to dress up as next year!